Scoliosis Management

What does the scoliosis assessment at Physio & Rehab Lab – Andreas Antoniou entail?

Our scoliosis assessment involves a detailed evaluation using a specialized form designed specifically for scoliosis. We conduct a thorough postural assessment in various positions, including sitting at an office desk, with special attention to chair alignment. Our physiotherapists analyze the whole body and prescribe a personalized program based on specific criteria.

What does the scoliosis management program include?

Our program often includes specific exercises and stretches using small gym equipment like balls, weights, and elastic bands. These exercises are tailored to your needs and can be performed outside the clinic environment, allowing you to continue your exercise routine at home.

What methods does Physio & Rehab Lab – Andreas Antoniou use to maximize spinal curvature improvement?

We utilize a combination of well-researched and proven techniques, including Clinical Pilates, specific breathing exercises, and Stretching (Spiral Dynamics). These methods are carefully selected to optimize your potential for improving spinal curvature.

How does manual therapy contribute to scoliosis management at Physio & Rehab Lab – Andreas Antoniou?

Manual therapy, particularly in the initial stages, plays a crucial role in our approach. Techniques such as manual muscle release and joint mobilization help maximize the potential of exercises by addressing muscle imbalances and promoting better alignment.