Occupational Health Physiotherapy & Ergonomics

What is Occupational Health Physiotherapy & Ergonomics?

Occupational Health Physiotherapy & Ergonomics focuses on promoting and maintaining the physical, mental, and social well-being of workers in all occupations, while also addressing ergonomic factors in the workplace to prevent injuries.

What services does Physio & Rehab Lab – Andreas Antoniou offer in Occupational Health Physiotherapy & Ergonomics?

We provide comprehensive services, including conducting risk assessments, measuring intervention effectiveness for injury prevention, and offering on-site physiotherapy to address workplace hazards and reduce sickness absence.

What are the benefits of having an on-site Occupational Health Physiotherapy service?

Businesses benefit from improved corporate image, reduced sickness absence, lower litigation risk and insurance premiums, earlier return to work after illness, increased productivity, compliance with health and safety legislation, better employee relations, and reduced staff turnover.